Students - Accessing Group Spaces within Teams


Students - Accessing Group Spaces within Teams

1. Open Canvas and go into your course.
2.Select Microsoft Teams classeson the course menu.
Microsoft Teams Courses link
3. Sign in using your students@mc3.eduemail address. (if prompted)
4.SelectOpen on the option named after your course. Open button

5. Select Use the web app instead.
Note: If a pop-up appears on your screen, click Cancel.

6. You will now be in the Teams environment and you will see your group as shown here. Click into your group.

7. Once you are in your group, you can click on the camera to video call your other group members, type a message to a group member, etc.

Article ID: 12643
Created: November 6, 2023
Last Updated: November 6, 2023
Author: Julie Lopez

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