Using Read & Write Gold to Create Study Guides, Glossaries, and Support Your Study Skills


Using Read & Write Gold to Create Study Guides, Glossaries, and Support Your Study Skills


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Getting Started

Reset Your Toolbar to display the Study Skills Tools

The icons on your toolbar should change to display the Study Skills Tools. 

Highlighter Tools

At the left you will see 4 different highlighter colors you can use when reading.  For example, you might use yellow to highlight definitions, blue to highlight important concepts, green to highlight information you don’t understand yet and want to work on with a tutor, and pink for terms you need to know for your next exam.

Using Your Highlighting to Create Study Guides, Glossaries, and More

Okay, highlighting is a great study strategy, for promoting active reading and keeping track of important information and questions, but you need to actually use those highlights to make the process worthwhile.  Here is what makes using Read & Write Gold for highlighting so much cooler and more useful than highlighting in your hard copy text.

With a few clicks of your mouse, Read & Write Gold can pull or collect all of your highlights into one or more separate documents, to create glossaries of definitions, lists of important terms or concepts, and a record of the questions you had while reading.  These can be used to create terrific study guides.

Using a hard copy textbook and highlighter pens, you would need to go back through a chapter page by page and copy down everything you had highlighted either by hand or word processor.  While some people find the process of manually transcribing information a helpful memory strategy, it is useful to have an alternative that is less time-consuming.

How to extract highlighted text:

Tip: For many students, it is most useful to collect one color of highlighted text at a time, so you can have a separate document for each type of highlighted material you have selected. For example, you can collect definitions in one document and questions for your professor or a tutor in another, important terms to remember in another document, etc.

Article ID: 12586
Created: April 21, 2023
Last Updated: April 21, 2023
Author: Howard Charles

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