Students - How to Install and Use Respondus LockDown Browser for a Chromebook


Students - How to Install and Use Respondus LockDown Browser for a Chromebook

What is Respondus LockDown Browser?

Respondus LockDown Browser is a customizedbrowserthat increases the security of online testing in Blackboard. Whenusing Respondus LockDown Browser to take atest in Blackboard you are unable to:

  • Print (unless enabled by the instructor),
  • Copy
  • Visit another website
  • Access other applications or programs on your computer
  • Close a test until it is submitted for grading

Respondus LockDown Browser functions much like a standard Internet browser, but some options have been removed or work differently.

How do I Know if My Instructor Requires LockDown Browser?

If an Instructor requires you to take a test with Respondus LockDown Browser, you will see "Requires Respondus LockDown Browser" next to the name of the test.

When you see this, you will need to use orinstallRespondus LockDown Browser extension in Google Chrome to access and take your test.

Installing Respondus LockDown Browser

1. Click on the following link:

2. A new tab will open and you will be directed to the Respondus LockDown Browser Extension in the Google Chrome store.

Select the Add to Chrome button.

3. A pop-up will appear confirming if you want to install the extension.

Select Add extension.

4.When the extension has finished downloading a notification will appear indicating that it has been successfully installed.

4. Navigate to Blackboard in Google Chrome.

5. Locate and select the test that requires the use of LockDown Browser.

Select Begin to start your test.

6. Wait a few seconds and the LockDown Browser extension will load and the test will appear.

Article ID: 11458
Created: October 7, 2021
Last Updated: December 21, 2023
Author: Kasey Golding

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