1. Once logged into Student Self-Service, make sure the Planning Overviewtab is selected and chooseView Your Progress |
Note: If this is not the correct major or you want to explore what if you changed majors, you can click View a new program as well. |
My Progress screen has the following data:
- Program and GPA information
- Progress towards credits required
- Status of the Course
Under Status of the Course, you will be able to see which courses you:
- have completed (green)
- are currently taking (light green)
- have planned (yellow)
- havent yet taken (red)
3.To select a specific course and/or to read more about a course, click on the course number. |
If the program requirement asks for you to choose one of many choices, you can also use the search feature to see all your options and to read more about each course.
4.Once you have selected the courses for next semester, click Plan & Schedule |